How to remove oil and water-based ink from the carpet?

Most people stay on top of cleaning the carpet by regular vacuuming, but they do not know how to deal with tough stains. However, certain stains require special skills and different approaches to remove them. For example, ink stains are generally based on oil and water. Therefore, our carpet cleaning experts will make you aware of removing oil and water-based ink stains from the carpet. Though professionals at Carpet Cleaning Fairfield suggest the first step is to take immediate action, we need a more detailed approach. So, let us read this post to know in detail.

How to clean carpet with water-based ink?

Water-based ink is a more eco-friendly option as it does not use plastic. The two main ingredients in this type of ink are water and pigment. If accidentally fall rollerball pens or washable markers, it can stain on the carpet. However, a carpet cleaning experts in Fairfield says these types of stains are easiest to remove; let us see how:

  • Prepare the mixture and add one teaspoon of detergent with some warm water.
  • Use a white towel or clean cloth and dip it into the mixture.
  • Work from outside towards the center of stains and dab the cloth on the inked area.
  • Be careful not to spread the ink around.
  • Repeat the process until the water-based ink stains disappear.
  • Use a dry towel to soak up the extra moisture.
  • Leave the carpet to dry.
  • Vacuum the stained area once the carpet is dry.

How to clean carpet with oil-based ink stains?

Oil-based ink mainly contains pigments, mineral oil, hydrocarbons and is commonly found in ballpoint pens. It is tough to deal with these stains, and it dries faster, so do not hesitate to contact professionals in Carpet Cleaning in Fairfield.  However, try the below steps to remove them:

  • Use non-oily hairspray or rubbing alcohol to moisten the stained area.
  • Let it sit for five minutes to saturate the area.
  • Use clean cloths to blot the ink stain from the carpet.
  • Check whether the color is transferred onto the towel.
  • Repeat blot and spray process until ink come out of the carpet.
  • Let the area dry and use a vacuum for the final touchup.

Some oil-based marks are permanent, and you should consider calling a carpet and rug cleaning company.

Have ink stain problems? Get help from carpet cleaning experts in Fairfield?

Make sure to test the detergents on a small patch to avoid small stains turning into large spots. But if you are unsure about the type of ink stains and how to deal with them, consider expert carpet cleaners in your area. Professionals Carpet Cleaning Fairfield has the best products and techniques to deal with even the toughest carpet stains.